Sunday 26 April 2020

Mighty Mites

Of all of Candace Liddy's Creata Micro Minis (also known as Breyer Mini Whinnies), I think my favourites may be the four drafter models -- the show stance Percheron, the trotting Clydesdale, the working Belgian, and the Percheron foal.

This is ironic because, as I've stated before, I usually actively try not to add draft horses to my collection.  However, Mini Whinny drafters are not the shelf hogs that their Traditional scale brothers and sisters are.

Lately, thanks to Breyer's enthusiasm for shrinkies, a few new drafters have been added to the Mini Whinny line-up, both real drafters and unicorn types who may eventually appear de-horned as draft horses. New molds include a micro Wixom, a micro unicorn Gypsy Vanner, and a micro unicorn Ballyduff.

I would cheerfully add Wixom to the original four as one of my favourite Mini Whinnies.  With the Vanner and Ballyduff, I'll have to wait and see.

My very favourite Mini Whinny, though, has always been the working Belgian.  He's such a determined-looking little dude, solidly built and yet the picture of animation.  Aside from the original, I also have two Mini Whinnies: the chestnut from 2008 and "Dani" from 2016 -- and I don't usually collect duplicates.

So you can imagine that I was delighted when the random Mini Whinny I received in my 2020 Collector Club Grab Bag turned out to be the other working (or as he's called on the Identify Your Breyer database, "pulling") drafter from 2016.

His Breyer name, "Rio," seems odd to me, but I guess they're running low on ideas.  My guy has been newly rechristened "Tux," a North American Spotted Draft gelding.

The online photo show series I'm involved in showing in and judging this year has a couple of classes for Micro horses, with a lot of Mini Whinnies being shown in Original Finish.  So although I've never really considered my Micro Horses/Mini Whinnies to be show horses, I have an opportunity to let them strut their stuff this year.

Not being a great photographer, I have to admit that I find Mini Whinnies a challenge to focus on, but it's always fun to try.


  1. I once gave first place to that Liddy Micro Percheron Foal in one of my show's halter classes -- and this was against Trads. He just was the best.
